Barbara Salvucci / di-segni

October, 11th 2014 – October, 21st 2014
Opening Reception: Saturday, October 11th – h.7 pm

Galleria Paola Verrengia, for the Decima Giornata del Contemporaneo promoted by AMACI will present, on Saturday, October 11th at 7 pm, the exhibition project by Barbara Salvucci entitled di-segni.

The show organized by the artist specifically for the spaces of the gallery will occupy the three different areas of the gallery with the video “Disegni”, an installation comprised of a structure made of fabric anchored to the ceiling from which a few drops of ink will drip down following a constant flux and rhythm, and a sculpture made of zinc-plated strings. The whole project entitleddi-segni has been inspired by the video that the artist came up with by focusing on the movement of birds grouped inflocks, whose rhythm refers to the soft and curvilinear shapes that are typical of Salvucci’s work.The totality of the birds in the video, the machine created by the drops of ink produced by the installation and the subtle “piled up” strings of the sculpture have been creating an ink based “drawing” where the lines are intertwined with one another and have been “navigating” through a certain space while becoming almost liquid.
For the Giornata del Contemporaneo, on October 11th, the artist will be accompanied by the musician Mauro Verrone who, with his saxophone, will “fill the central space of the gallery with a sound chosen to compensate for the ability to listen and to induce a desire for silence”. (Barbara Salvucci)

Barbara Salvucci was born in Rome in 1970,where she currently lives and works. In 2002 she put together her first solo show, during which she presented her massive iron based weaves at the Accademia d’Ungheria – Palazzo Falconieri, Rome. Among the numerous exhibitions and national/international expositions that she participated in, the following ones are definitely worth mentioning: 55th International Art Exposition, Venice Biennale – Procuratie vecchie, “Nell’acqua capisco”, collateral exhibition, 2013Accademia d’Ungheria – Palazzo Falconieri, Rome, “KM 1234”, 2012; Museum of Contemporary Sculpture, MUSMA, Matera, “Barbara Salvucci”, 2011; L.E.S Gallery – CSV Cultural CenterNew York, “The Shadow Line”, 2011; 54a International Art Exposition, Italian Pavilion, Venice Biennale, 2011; CIAC International Center for Contemporary Art, Castello Colonna di Genazzano, Rome, 2010; Accademia Albertina, Torino, Premio Internazionale di Scultura of Regione Piemonte, 2006; MACRO Contemporary Art Museum, Rome, “Inchiostro Indelebile”, 2003; Palazzo delle Esposizioni, Rome, “ Passeggiando per le vie dell’arte” 1996.