Emanuela Fiorelli / Tensione Aurea

April 14th – May 31st, 2012
Opening: Saturday 14th April – 7:00 P.M.

Galleria Paola Verrengia presents Tensione Aurea (Golden Tension), the first solo-show of Emanuela Fiorelli in Salerno.

Emanuela Fiorelli (Rome, Italy, 1970) has carried out a project specifically conceived for Galleria Paola Verrengia.
The exhibition brings together a selection of her works, among them Sistema Emergente, Leggio and Allucinazione Speculare. It also features the site-specific installation Tensione Aurea and some photo-installations, as Installativo 8 created by manipulating a picture of the Gallery.
“Tension” is the file rouge of the show, in fact a certain kind of force pervades all the works exhibited in the Gallery, it runs through the threads to re-shape volumes and surfaces.
The use of the thread characterizes Fiorelli’s poetics, according to the artist the thread is a way to explore spaces, “a borderline capable of pushing borders”.
The aim of this artistic practise is to clarify the interesting and original relationship between Arts and Mathematics. By “weaving” textures of threads she produces unusual symmetries, an act that explicates the concept of “harmonic spaces”.

Performance In-tensioni reciproche.
Friday 18th May 2012 at 7:30 P.M.
Eager to define a mutual “language of tension”, Emanuela Fiorelli, Massimo Cappellani (mathematician and photographer) and Katia Di Rienzo (dancer) conceived the performance In-tensioni reciproche (Mutual Intentions). During the performance disturbing visual spaces will projected on a permeable screen which will then be deformed by the dancer’s movements.

Emanuela Fiorelli was born in Rome, where she actually lives and works. She attended the Accademia di Belle Arti and graduated in 1993. In 2003 she participated in XIV Quadrennial “Anteprima Napoli”. In 2004 she is awarded with the first prize by Accademia Nazionale di San Luca/Pittura and participated in the exhibition “Lucio Fontana e la sua eredità”. In 2007 Michele Emmer invited her to participate to the lecture “Mathematics and Culture”, by presenting a short text and an installation, at Ca’ Foscari University in Venice. In 2008 she has been awarded by Gedok with a solo- show at Biennal of Kalsruhe (Frankfurt). In 2009 she participated in Rolli Days at Palazzo Ducale in Genova. In 2010 she has been awarded with “Premio Banca Aletti ArtVerona”. In 2011 she contributed to the performance “Fogli in A.R.I.A.”, created by Super C group for the “Giornata del disorientamento” at the occupied Teatro Valle. In 2012 she participated in the collective exhibition “Ombre, l’indagine dell’inafferrabile”, at Galleria Fabbri.C.A. in Milan, curated by Federico Sardella.