Francesco Sena / Tempo di cenere

Curated by Alessandro Demma
October 29th – December 4th 2010
Vernissage: Friday 29th October, h 7.00 P.M.

Tempo di cenere (Time of ash) is the title of the exhibition that Galleria Paola Verrengia dedicate to Francesco Sena, an artist from Turin, one of the leaders of the contemporary Art.
On show works on wood and a large sculpture, describing a time whose essential elements are the body, landscape, white, black, light and dark, a “time of ashes” that the Turin artist captures, imprisons, immobilizes under the wax.
The artist combines, as in a dream, animal figures, landscapes and himself, to create visions that, as underlined by the exhibition’s curator Alessandro Demma, “the storm of ash makes uncertain, distant, unattainable.
Francesco Sena’s artistic research is accomplished through the use of different languages such as, photography, video and sculpture, and other materials such as wood, plasticine and colored wax. Multi-dimensional images and artificial colors, closer to bas-reliefs than to paintings, charaterize the works created by the artist from Turin, who comes from a long experimentation of the matter which he preferred, the wax, material of memory, a live immobility, and a careful reflection on the world.

Francesco Sena (Avellino, Italy, 1966) lives and works in Turin, Italy.
Main exhibitions:
Di mille rivoli, MAM Mario Mauroner Contemporary Art, Vienna, 2010; Attraversami in 13 secondi, (curated by G. Serisi) Galleria GAS, Turin, 2006; Punching ball, (curated by E. Volpato) Galleria d’Arte moderna, Turin, 2001; Eroi Eroine. Iconologia e simulacro, (curated by di A. Demma) Castello di Rivalta di Turin, 2010; Fragile – Terres d’empathie (curated by L. Hegyi) Musée d’Art Moderne de Saint-Etienne, Metropoli Daejeon Museum of Art, Korea, Palazzo Falconieri Rome, 2009; Mediations, (curated by L. Hegyi), Biennale di Poznan, Poland, 2008; Experimenta –Farnesina Collection, Palazzo della Farnesina, Rome, 2008; Oltre i confini del corpo, (curated by M. Vescovo) Fabrika Project, Moscow 2008; Natura e metamorfosi, (curated by M. Vescovo) Urban Planning Exhibition Center, Shanghai, Beijing Creative Space Art Center, Beijing, 2006.