Mariano Baino, Tomaso Binga, Marco Palladini / Tre Poeti Tre

 Saturday 4th October h. 6:00 – 8.00 p. m.

Performance by Mariano Bàino, Tommso Binga and Marco Palladini

Galleria Paola Verrengia, for the Giornata del contemporaneo promoted by AMACI –(Association of Italian Contemporary Art Museums), a nonprofit organization comprised of 24 institutions among the most important contemporary art museums of our country – will present an innovative poetic project about the new orality: “Tre poeti Tre”, by the artists Mariano Bàino, Tomaso Binga e Marco Palladini. Throughout the evening we will present three performances: “Sol Sonet” by Mariano Bàino, “Trilli e Strilli come Spilli” by Tomaso Binga, “La Linea non C’è” by Marco Palladini, with a few excerpts from Poesia a comizio (anthology of poetry, Edizioni Empiria, Rome, 2008 curated by Marcello Carlino and Francesco Muzzioli).

Mariano Bàino lives and works in Naples. He has been among the founders of the magazine “Baldus” and Gruppo ’93. He published several books of poetry, such as Camera iperbarica (Tam Tam 1983); Fax giallo (Il Laboratorio 1993; Zona 2003); Pinocchio (moviole) (Piero Manni 2000). He participated in various festivals of poetry in Italy and abroad. His first novel, L’uomo avanzato (Le Lettere), has just been published. Under the provisional title Sol sonnet he gathered the most recent poems, mostly unpublished. Expression doesn’t mean anything. But perhaps there’s a reference to a poetic form that has the capacity – in a time when everything gets old fast –to be already obsolete. A “raft” made of fourteen logs, with an indignant formalist on top of it. And drifting.

Tomaso Binga (Bianca Menna) is from Salerno. She lives and works in Rome. Since 1970 she has been focused on Visual-Verb Writing and is among the spokespersons of Phonetic-Voiced-Performative Poetry. She has been Professor at the Academy of Fine Arts of Frosinone. Among the numerous participations to exhibitions, expositions and festivals in Italy and abroad: (1978 e 2001)Venice Biennale; (1981) Biennal of S. Paolo do Brazil; (1986) Quadriennale of Rome; (1995) III Festival de Polipoesia of Barcellona; (1998) Poesia Totale, Mantova; (1999) Art Media Università of Salerno; (2005) “Autoritratto di un matrimonio, MLAC La Sapienza, Rome;Among his publications: “INdovina cos’È” (Hetea, Alatri, 1987), “Sono stanca a più non posso” (Rossi & Spera, Roma, 1987), “Rimerotiche”, (Gradiva, Roma, 1992), “Vorrei essere un vigile urbano” (Umberto Sala Ed. Pescara, 1995), Being an active organizer, she has been directing the Cultural Association Lavatoio Contumaciale of Rome since 1974. She has been Vice President of the Filiberto Menna Foundation of Salerno since 1992.

Marco Palladini is from Rome. He has been an active writer and poet since the 80’s on the national scene; he’s also a dramatist, director, performer and critic in the field of auteur theater and research. He published five collections of poems in verses: Et ego in movimento (Siena, ’87), Autopia (Roma, ’91), Ovunque a Novunque (Udine, ’95), Fabrika Póiesis (Roma, ’99), La vita non è elegante (Rome, 2002). For the theater he published the trilogy Destinazione Sade (Arlem, Roma ’96) and the drama Serial Killer (Sellerio, Palermo ’99), translated to Catalan language: Assassí (Arola Editors, Barcelona 2006). He also published, for Editrice Zona, the musical-poetic cd Trans Kerouac Road (2004) and the volume of tales Il comunismo era un romanzo fantastico (2006). In 2007 he published his memoiresistenzial-politico Non abbiamo potuto essere gentili (Onyx Edizioni). Now he’s directing the online magazine of the Sns “Le reti di Dedalus” (, and is among the authors of the collective volume La letteratura nell’era dell’informatica (Bevivino editore, 2007-2008).