

(New Haven, Usa, 1971)

Robert Jack , born in New Haven (United States) in 1971 , lives and works in New York.
In 1994, he graduated in Architecture and Landscape Sciences.
The work of Robert Jack is a silent process , a development osmotic and homeopathic . Each surface hides a symbiotic network in which each element is linked to the following to form an inconsistency chain of colors. Many of his drawings mimic the way nature operates through it’s tiny mechanisms.
The artist plays the continuous flow of the imperceptible in it’s process of evolution and change. Behind the discontinuity surface of his canvases , the world repeats itself, duplicates and replicates again. In the intimate space of a layer of paper Robert Jack combines signals , vibrations are impossible to identify without an extraordinary level of attention.
Every aspect of life becomes interconnected. His work builds speeches monochrome based on a set of blanks, a lexicon of interludes and transitions that can cause vertigo pure.
In 2011 he participated in the ” The Road to Contemporary Art” in Rome where he has a job where investigates and plays through the use of paint , textures and shapes microbiological taken from small forms of life (bacteria, algae , viruses) which inspired to create representations minimal and delicate , very similar to what you can see at a microscope slide. The title, The Lower Tiers, in fact, the term used in biology to represent and describe the tiny organisms and cellular life forms that make up the invisible layer of all living things, which the artist plays in the process of evolution and of change. The works of Robert Jack are characterized by the use of materials such as casein on wood , graphite and gouache on paper, but what emerges strongly from his works is the skillful use of color to create surfaces capable of detecting a symbiotic network of elements in which each is linked to the next to form an inconsistency chain of colors in the intimate space of a layer of paper.
Among the shows that have marked the last years of the exhibition of the American artist in Europe, the United States and Japan.

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Sampler #3. Anti-books, MACBA – Museu d’Art Contemporani de Barcelona, Barcelona

Robert Jack: Repercussions of Metal and Water, Margaret Thatcher Projects, Chelsea, NY

Anatomy of the Eye, Josée Bienvenu Gallery, New York, NY

Before and Aftermath, Josee Bienvenu Gallery, New York, USA
The Lower Tiers, Galleria Paola Verrengia, Salerno, Italia

Drawn Twice, The Tang Museum, Saratoga Springs, NY, USA

Occupation, Josee Bienvenu Gallery, New York, USA

Puzzle Palace, Josee Bienvenu Gallery, New York, USA
Systems Now: a survey of recent systematic art, Elvehjem Museum of Art, Madison, WI, USA.curated by Joseph Cunningham
Bar=100nm: Recent Works on Paper, Brian Gross Fine Art, San Francisco, CA, USA

Systems Now, Elvehjem Museum of Art, University of Madison, WI, USA
Incredible Lightness of Being, Black and White Gallery, Brooklyn, NY, USA
Paper 2003, Metaphor Contemporary Art, Brooklyn, NY, USA

The Microwave, Josee Bienvenu Gallery, New York, USA
Pfizer Corporation, Groton, CT, USA
Made in Brooklyn, Wythe Studio, Brooklyn, NY, USA
Almost replicating, Josee Bienvenu Gallery, New York, USA
Fire Works, 55 Mercer Gallery, New York, USA

Repetition in Discourse, curated by Phang Bui, Painting Center, New York, USA
Un / Ruled, curated by Mercedes Vincente, Exhibit A, New York, USA
Small Works, Grey Art Gallery, New York University, New York, USA
Webs and Flow, 123 Watts, New York, USA

Meat Market Art Fair, 123 Watts, New York, USA
ARCO Art Fair, 123 Watts, Madrid, Spain
Group Exhibition, Independence Gallery, Brooklyn, NY, USA
Group Exhibition, Patricia Hamilton / Arthur Solway, Los Angeles, CA, USA