STUDIO AZZURRO / Origine e deposizione Miniatures da “The Cenci”

Curated by Bruno Di Marino

May 4th – May 12th 2007
Vernissage: May 4th 2007, at 6:30 pm

Galleria Paola Verrengia is pleased to announce Origine e Deposizione – Miniatures from “The Cenci” an exhibition by Studio Azzurro, the Italian group of artists whose artistic research bases its expression on the languages afforded by recent technology. Through video-environments, sensitive and interactive environments, theatrical performances and films, it has blazed a trail that is now acknowledged worldwide, Studio Azzurro has taken care to create communicative environments that require an active and significant participation on behalf of the spectator who is part of the narrative structure, inspired by a use of multitextual approach and a continous shift between virtual and real elements.
The exhibition presents a series of drawings and video projections from the show “The Cenci” (music by Giorgio Battistelli) presented at the Almeida Theatre of London in 1997.

Studio Azzurro was formed in Milan in the year 1982 as an experimental artistic and video research project through the coming together of different minds. Fabio Cirifino (1949), a photographer born in Milan, Paolo Rosa (1949), working in Visual Arts and cinema and born in Rimini, Leonardo Sangiorgi (1949) of Parma specialised in Graphics and Animation and a most recent addition in 1995 of Stefano Roveda (1959) who works in interactive systems.