Through the Gaze -video installation by Andrea Aquilanti -| 11 December – 16 December 2021|

Andrea Aquilanti’s “Through the Gaze” project, designed specifically for the spaces of the Gallery, includes a video projection and a selection of works (mixed techniques) in dialogue with each other. Experimentation characterized by different media such as drawing, painting, video projections is typical of the artist. Through immersive and site-specific installations, the experiential and temporary character around which his research revolves is defined. ” At the origin there is always the drawing from life – says the artist – it is my way of feeling, of touching reality. After all, that’s what I continue to do even when I use the film camera or the camera.
“Through the gaze” restarts from the video projection created for the “Art on video” exhibition curated by the Paola Verrengia Gallery last July. The project consisted of a poetic and kaleidoscopic restitution of the city and the Gulf of Salerno on the walls of the Arab-Norman bell tower of the Cathedral.

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