Turnover #4

Turnover #4

Group show

4 marzo – 8 Aprile 2023

Martedì – Sabato ore 17:00 -20.30

or by appointment
Galleria Paola Verrengia is pleased to announce the fourth appointment of Turnover #4, a format born in 2019 to create a reflective perimeter on the artists who have worked, over the years, with the Salerno exhibition space and have outlined its history.

After the three previous editions linked to the various names that have animated the cultural seasons of the Gallery with solo or group exhibitions, this fourth exhibition project aims to be a small cross-section of history, a meeting on the meetings and relationships of participation or friendship that have in thirty years of activity.

In this 2023 edition, the works of Gianni Asdrubali, Filippo Centenari, Baldo Diodato, Emanuela Fiorelli, Marina Paris, Luca Staccioli, Studio Azzurro and Mattia Sugamiele will be exhibited to highlight not only some ties or relationships consolidated over time or which still persist, but also an investigative discourse projected towards the future.

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